To make this website accessible to all, we have included the following functionality:
The size of body text on our site can be determined by the user. There are two ways to do this:
In Internet Explorer
Select the View menu, then Text Size, then a setting from the list of five sizes.
In FireFox
Select the View menu, then Text Size, then either Increase or Decrease from the menu list.
In Safari
Select the View menu, then either Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller.
In all browsers
Holding down the CTRL button and scrolling the mouse-wheel up and down will adjust text size accordingly.
Navigating around the site is possible without the mouse. The following keyboard commands are active across the site:
TAB - to cycle forwards through links.
SHIFT + TAB - to cycle backwards though links.
ENTER - to select a highlighted link.
The ordering of the tabbable items has been specified, which allows a natural progression through links and form fields in the site.
Every image throughout the site has been tagged with an ALT attribute. ALT allows alternative description to be given for each image. This allows both screen readers and browsers which don't display images to represent a substitute description.
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